Would You Like To Join Our Campaign Team or Steering Group?

Do something great! Come and join our team.

Save The Blean Action Group is a highly effective and motivated group of people working to protect The Blean and stop land within the Blean Woodland Complex being developed into a massive housing estate.

As well as campaigning against the proposed development of 2,000 houses in the heart of the Blean Woodland, Save The Blean is working with partners and funders on a pioneering alternative for the land.

We are looking for people to join the new steering group and/or to be Trustees, as we set up a registered charity to develop and ultimately manage Blean Bio Park (more details coming soon).

We are also keen to welcome new people who would like to join our campaign team, to support on events, publicity, research, social media and campaign coordination.

As the remit of our work grows, we would like to involve more energetic, skilled people and a wider cross-section of the community – particularly people from across Canterbury district, and students and young people. Please email info@savetheblean.org if you would like to get involved.

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash.

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